Posts Tagged ‘actionscript’

Flash AS3: Fullscreen video blanks screen

When the stage enters full-screen mode, the FLVPlayback component is on top of all content and takes over the entire screen. When the stage exits full-screen mode, the screen returns to how it was before. // say your FLVPlayback component […]

Flash AS3: loop video – FLVPlayback

import; myVideo.addEventListener( VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completePlay); function completePlay(e:VideoEvent):void {; } import; fl_video.autoRewind = true; // fl_video being the name of the video component fl_video.addEventListener(VideoEvent.AUTO_REWOUND, doLoop); function doLoop(e:VideoEvent):void {; }

Flash AS3: FLVPlayback component, onComplete

// create an event listener for a FLV Playback Component // FLVPlayback component has an instance name of: myFLVplayer // FLVPlayback component is located in a movieclip: myMovie_mc // listens for when the video has completed playing // “rewinds” it […]

Flash AS3: Switch/Case

// call switchCase(), pass in one number to execute a set of // other functions or lines of code based on that number. // limited error detection function switchCase(num:Number=NaN) { var num:Number=num; if (isNaN(num)) { throw new Error(”no value defined”); […]

Flash AS3: Random Low/High

//call this function, pass it two numbers (low number, high number) // should return a random number between lo and high number // some error checking,  checks to see if low number < high number function randomNumber(low:Number=NaN, high:Number=NaN):Number { var […]

Flash Image Gallery

There are two questions I often get asked by students (just about to graduate)… the first is “How much do I charge for design work?” and the second is how do “I do I make a portfolio website?“. As for […]

Multi-Touch Flash, flosc : Flash OpenSound Control

We were using this method to track and migrate data from Processing to Flash… it’s not extremely efficient but can get the job done. I imagine this could come in handy if you wanted to utilize a single machine/camera setup […]

End of life… Polaroid

So 1st quarter 2009 will be the end of an era in instant gratification photography (ala film)… Polaroid is discontinuing this remarkable little product and selling off the remaining inventory of film and cameras. Considering how bad their previous line […]


New Britain Museum of American Art will feature the EAT Collaboration in a NEW/NOW interactive exhibition that opened on December 16, and will be on view through Feb. 24, 2008. The EAT collaborative came together to create a visual metaphor […]

Ecotonoha – Green Project

Ecotonoha Is A Project – To Nurture A Virtual Tree Collaboratively, And At The Same Time Contribute To The Actual Environment To Cope With Global Warming. As You Make Ecotonoha’s Leaves, The Virtual Tree Will Grow, And As Ecotonoha Grows, […]
