

As of Fall 2015 the Advanced Media Lab has been integrated with the main Information Technology Lab in Brooks Hall.  Anticipated construction of Brooks 320 and retrofit of several studios with new technology resources and collaboration stations will occur.

Rendering stations and large format multi-touch displays are available within the Scholars Research and Rendering Room (Brooks 202A) which can be reserved upon request for small group meetings.

Dell Precision Tower Rendering machines are still available and can be connected to interact with the NCSU Hunt Library Render Farm.

All Wacom Cintiq equipped machines were allocated to Brooks 202 Cintiq lab.

The majority of the technology and video equipment can be checked out from the main checkout desk and specialized equipment can be loaned out for a maximum of  3 days; specialized equipment is available to any graduate student or graduate/undergraduate students enrolled in a studio that the equipment has been reserved for.

If you have any specific questions please contact:
Jonas McCoy <jonas_mccoy@ncsu.edu>, Director of Information Technology


Summer Lab and Equipment Checkout Hours
The IT Lab is open 60 hours per week during summer sessions.
Checkout services are available during those hours. Hours will vary on
University Holidays and on days when classes are not in session. 

Access may be limited when classes are using lab rooms. 

Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, Closed
Sunday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


In the New Media and Animation program at NC State, we leverage an array of technology to create images, animation and interactive projects. To address the needs of contemporary artists and designers, we offer students a foundation for working with a range of digital tools, an awareness of formal relationships and strategies for generating and refining design solutions. Students in the program are individuals who synthesize both traditional and digital skills. In addition, they should embrace being conceptual translators who are both able to design for clients and create self-motivated works. A unifying thread throughout the program is visual storytelling. As a result, we manipulate images, motion, time and user interaction to convey meaning and create specific experiences. While there are many ways to apply the knowledge gained in the program, it is  geared toward those who are interested in sequential art, digital illustration, digital modeling, compositing, character animation, motion graphics and multimedia interactive projects.

The Advanced Media Lab at NC State University College of Design is a multimedia facility housing the latest in digital hardware and software. The lab is maintained by Lee Cherry, Marc Russo and Pat FitzGerald The facility is used to support innovative, collaborative research projects between the design disciplines as well as the Graduate students and researchers in the Master of Art+Design program.

The lab has a wide range of animation and interactive software including Maya, Mud Box, Motion Builder, Nuke, Shake, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, and Flash as well as specialized 3D Match Moving and visual effects software such as TrapCode, PFTrack, RenderMan and Maxwell Render. The lab houses multiple suites of, dual-bootable, Apple Mac Pros with pressure sensitive Cintiq monitors. Students have access to high-end, HD digital video cameras, including an Epic Red One, as well as audio recording equipment, digital green screen room and projection rooms. Current upgrades and developments include a recording sound studio and infrared camera tracking systems.

Sponsored studio projects and collaborative research teams focus their area of studies in the following concentrations:

Interaction Design & Information Design
A new design discipline centered around innovative technologies, services and systems with an emphasis on user experience, form and function. Interaction between people through hybrid/mobile technology with an emphasis on the organization and presentation of data transferred into valuable, meaningful information.

Exhibit Designs & Interactive Architectures
Art and museum installations, location-based sound and visual narrative, navigation systems, physical interface design that enhance the experience based on the behavior of the user and their surrounding environment.

Animation & Digital Entertainment
Great story-creating and telling, is at once both an ancient art coupled with new technology. The telling of stories and the creation of experiences has affected by Medium, but current digital design and animation offer capabilities and opportunities not yet addressed in the history of interaction and performance.

Mechatronics & Electronic Art
A crossroads between art, technology and society through the synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronic control, sensory inputs, information design and intelligent systems. These systems can provide users a clearer comprehension of information and a means of distributing knowledge through haptic and sensory feedback.

Computer Gaming & Serious Games
Commercial game and simulation developers, practices, and technology can be utilized by a wider field of organizations that build and apply models within training and simulations balancing adaptive learning with and natural learning environments.

Contact Information

Pat FitzGerald, Associate Professor of Art+Design

Marc Russo. Assistant Professor of Art+Design

Lee Cherry, Manager – Advanced Media Lab

general/media inquiries: info@onebitpixel.com

phone: 919-513-1259

NC State University, College of Design
Advanced Media Lab
109 Brooks Hall
Campus Box 7701
Raleigh, NC 27695

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