John Bintz: Publishing Webcomics Using ComicPress

Great overview and showcase of ComicPress. ComicPress is currently at Vs2.8 and has grown in features since its introduction in 2005. Vs2.9 Beta is in production. It’s available as a download and is “donationware”. John Bintz covers how he’s used it over the years, how people have helped with development over the years and the ComicPress Manager – bulk editing option, features, plugins, selling prints as well as where the software is heading.

If you’re looking for another alternative to ComicPress check out this short review – ComicPress vs. Webcomic Inkblot.

WebComic is a plug-in for WordPress which adds comic publishing functionality to the content management system. It enables WordPress users to upload an image and associate it with a post. The image  doesn’t have to be a comic strip. For example WebComic is good for publishing T-shirt designs. The plug-in introduces new template tags that enable designers to create their own themes. Assigning an image to a post is optional, so regular posts can be displayed.

Webcomic 2.1

ComicPress 2.8

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