The Pumpkin King Scholarship
Deadline: Friday October 24, 2008
An award of a $2,500 Scholarship is available to any Art +Design or Industrial Design major who possess Outstanding Abilities in Drawing and/or Building. The recipient must have a strong academic record and professional promise. You must have a B average or higher. This scholarship is open to both undergraduate and graduate students of NC State University, College of Design.
Application Criteria:
* A paragraph about you and your interests in design. (limit one page in length)
* A well organized, considered portfolio of work that demonstrates your strength in drawing and/or building
* Both statement and portfolio should be presented on disk in a universal digital format ready to launch
* Disks should be delivered to either the Department of Art +Design or Industrial Design by 5pm October 24, 2008
Finalists will be determined by the Chairs of Art + Design and Industrial Design.
The final recipient will be determined by The Pumpkin King.
This post is tagged: Animation, art+design, contest, industrial design, innovation